Overview: The NSYABA Conference Committee is a dedicated group of professionals responsible for organizing and coordinating an enriching and engaging conference each year. This committee plays a pivotal role in planning and executing the conference activities, themes, and overall experience.
Contact: For further information please email [email protected]
Overview: NYSABA's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) Committee works to ensure that our organization is committed to our core values and principles through a DEIA lens. This means, providing resources and space for the ever-evolving diversity of behavior analysts in New York State as well as continually educating folks on culturally sensitive and humble practices.
Contact: For further information please email [email protected]
Overview: The Education Committee works to provide NYSABA members and Behavior Analysts in NY with opportunities for ongoing learning and continuing education. We partner with collaborators within and outside of NYSABA to facilitate presentations on the topics that matter most to our field and our communities. NYSABA is an Authorized Continuing Education (ACE) provider through the Behavior Analyst Certification Board. The Education Committee ensures compliance with ACE standards for all CE events and is a point of contact for any event attendees who need assistance. Additionally, the Education Committee collaborates with higher education institutions to develop supports for educators and students.
Contact: For further information please email [email protected]
Overview: NYSABA Finance Committee oversees the organization's cash flow, reconciliations, and budget. Committee members include a Treasurer, Chair, and Bookkeeper.
Contact: For further information please email [email protected]
Overview: NYSABA Marketing Committee works collaboratively with NYSABA Committees share important information with all who are interested in the profession of Behavior Analysis. The committee oversees all of NYSABA's social media content, website management, and branding.
Contact: For further information please email [email protected]
Overview: The NYSABA Membership committee works to identify the needs and interests of behavior analysts, aspiring behavior analysts, behavior technicians and service consumers. The membership committee, often in collaboration with other NYSABA committees, engages in efforts that provide membership benefits, events, and services that are matched to the needs and interests of its members and potential members.
What do your membership dues “do”?
The NYSABA board is comprised of volunteers who are passionate about the practice of behavior analysis across the Sate of New York. Membership dues support NYSABA events and advocacy efforts related to quality accessibly behavior analytic support services across New York State.
Contact: For further information please email [email protected]
Overview: NYSABA Parent, Family, and Advocate is a medium that links consumers, families and advocates together.
Contact: For further information please email [email protected]
Public Policy
Overview: The Public Policy Committee ensures that NYSABA is part of the conversations that affect the field of ABA, our consumers, and our practice in NY. The committee advocates for meaningful, sustainable, and inclusive access to ABA services. The Committee promotes high-quality education and training so that behavior analysts remain in and come to NY. The Public Policy Committee has been integral to recent advances for behavior analysts in NY, including scope expansion, Medicaid ABA Coverage, inclusion as EI providers, and the acceptance of BACB credentials for NY licensure.
Contact: For further information please email [email protected]
Student Activities
Overview: The NYSABA Student Activities Committee is comprised of a Committee Chairperson, NYSABA Student Ambassador, Student Representative, and Student Volunteers. Members work together to recruit student membership and encourage participation by providing leadership, presentation, and training opportunities. We welcome student voices in important conversations.
Contact: For further information please email [email protected]